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Factors That Can Increase Your Home Insurance Costs

Are you planning on getting home insurance? Chances are, you are weighing the costs to ensure you’re getting the most value for your money.

But did you know that several factors could increase your insurance rates? In this article, we’ll explore the different factors that can impact your home insurance costs, from claims to breeds of dogs, remodeling to divorce, to help you make an informed decision.


Insurance Costs: Factors that Increase Insurance Rates

Insurance providers consider several factors when calculating a homeowner’s insurance premium. Let’s take a look at some of the most common factors that can increase your insurance rates.

1. Claims

One of the most common factors that can increase insurance rates is filing a claim.

Suppose you’ve experienced fire damage, water damage, or damage due to weather events such as hurricanes, tornadoes, or hailstorms. In that case, you may need to file a claim with your insurance provider to cover the cost of repairs or replacements.

However, keep in mind that filing too many claims in a short period can lead to higher premiums. Insurance providers consider a homeowner who files multiple claims to be a higher risk, which means insurance rates will increase.

2. Neglect

Neglecting home maintenance can also drive up your insurance rates.

If a home inspector discovers any issues during an inspection, the insurance provider can request repairs as part of the underwriting process. If the repairs are not made and the issue leads to a claim, the insurance provider can increase the rates for that homeowner.



Insurance providers may also factor in a homeowner’s liability risk. If you have a swimming pool or hot tub in your yard, you’ll likely have higher insurance rates since these items increase the risk of accidents and injuries.

Additionally, if you own certain breeds of dogs, such as pit bulls or rottweilers, your insurance rates may increase. These breeds have a higher risk of inflicting serious injuries on people, making them a liability risk.

4. Working from Home

With the COVID-19 pandemic forcing many people to work from home, insurance companies have started to take notice.

Since there are now more people working from home, there is a higher risk of accidents and injuries occurring on your property. As a result, you may need to update your home insurance policy to reflect that you are working from home, which can lead to higher insurance rates.

5. Remodeling

Homeowners who engage in remodeling projects can also expect to pay higher insurance rates.

Remodeling projects, such as adding an extension or upgrading electrical or plumbing, can increase your home value, leading to higher insurance premiums. Additionally, if the remodeling project makes your home less safe, such as removing a load-bearing wall or installing a swimming pool, insurance rates may increase.

6. Older Homes

If your home is over 20 years old, it may require more maintenance and repairs, leading to higher insurance rates.

Older homes may have outdated electrical systems, plumbing, and roofing, which can increase the risk of accidents and damage. As such, insurance providers may charge more to cover these risks.

7. Pool or Hot Tub

Finally, owning a pool or hot tub comes with additional costs.

Insuring these amenities will appear on your policy as a separate endorsement, which increases the overall cost of your insurance premium. Also, these amenities make your home riskier for accidents and injury, leading to higher insurance rates.

8. Roof

A roof replacement is an expensive project for any homeowner in the United States.

However, a new roof can have a significant impact on your home insurance rates. If your roof is old, damaged, or in need of repairs, your insurance rates may increase.

A new roof, on the other hand, can lower your rates as it reduces the risk of damage or leaks. 9.


Lastly, divorce can impact your insurance rates. Owning a home jointly with your spouse may lead to lower insurance rates since the premiums are split between the two parties.

However, if you get divorced, you’ll need to obtain a separate home insurance policy, which will increase your insurance rates. Making a Claim: Impact of Filing Insurance Claims

Filing an insurance claim can either have a positive or negative impact on your home insurance rates.

Let’s take a closer look. 1.

Fire Damage

Fire damage is one of the most severe causes of damage to a home. However, filing a fire damage claim can lead to increased insurance rates, just like filing too many claims in a short period.

2. Water Damage

Water damage can be caused by many-related issues, from a burst pipe, roof damage, or natural events.

Filing too many claims due to water damage can cause higher insurance rates. 3.

Weather Events

Homes in areas that are prone to severe weather, such as hurricanes, tornadoes, and hailstorms, may have higher insurance rates because of the increased frequency of insurance claims. 4.


Finally, remember that your insurance deductible affects your insurance rates. Choosing a higher deductible can lead to lower insurance rates because you are assuming more risk.

In summary, several factors can increase your home insurance rates, ranging from filing too many claims to owning a pool or hot tub. To get the best rates, ensure you maintain your home appropriately, work on removing risks from your property, complete home renovation projects wisely, and never miss home insurance payments.

Liability and

Insurance Coverage for Pets

Adopting a pet is a rewarding experience, but it also comes with responsibilities. As a pet owner, you are responsible for ensuring your pet’s safety and well-being at all times.

Unfortunately, accidents can happen, and your pet can cause damage or injury to others. In such situations, you may be held liable for the damages incurred.

This is where liability and insurance coverage for pets come in handy.


Pet owners are responsible for their pets’ behavior and any damages or injuries caused by their pet. This means if your pet bites or injures someone, you may be held responsible for their medical bills, lost wages, and even emotional distress.

The type of liability depends on the state in which you live since some states have strict liability laws where pet owners are liable for damages regardless of whether they knew their pet was aggressive or not. In contrast, others have a “one-bite rule” where pet owners are only liable after their dog has bitten someone before.

Moreover, some homeowners’ insurance policies provide liability coverage for pet bites as part of their standard policies, while others require you to purchase an endorsement or separate policy specific to your pet.

Pet Insurance

Another option for pet owners is pet insurance, which can help cover costs associated with pet injuries or illness. This type of insurance provides coverage for veterinary bills, medication, and treatments.

Additionally, some pet insurance providers offer liability coverage as part of a broader policy, which covers the cost of damages to people or property caused by your pet. It’s worth noting that certain breeds of dogs are considered high-risk by insurance companies, which means they may be excluded from coverage or require additional premiums.

Some insurance companies will not cover pit bulls, Rottweilers, and other breeds they deem as aggressive. Thus, it’s important to research which breeds are excluded from coverage before purchasing pet insurance.

Insurance Coverage for Home-Based Businesses

The COVID-19 pandemic led to a surge in home-based businesses. With more people working from home, many started small businesses from their residences, such as online shops, consulting firms, or freelancing work.

While homeowners insurance policies cover some aspects related to home-based businesses, they may not cover everything. Here’s what you should know about insurance coverage for home-based businesses.

Homeowners Policy

Most homeowners’ insurance policies provide coverage for personal liability, which means if someone is injured on your property, your policy will cover their medical bills and any other damages. Additionally, it also covers property damage caused by your household members, including pets.

However, homeowners policies typically exclude coverage for business-related activities. This means if you conduct business from your home, property damage or liability arising from your business may not be covered.

Business Insurance Policy

If you have a home-based business, you should consider purchasing a business insurance policy. This type of insurance provides coverage for damages or losses related to your business, including liability coverage, property coverage, and business interruption coverage.

Liability coverage protects your business from losses and damages arising from product defects, negligence, or lawsuits. Property coverage insures your business equipment and inventory, while business interruption coverage provides income benefits if your business is forced to close due to damage or other unforeseen circumstances.

Regarding the pandemic, some insurance companies now offer special policies that cover business losses resulting from COVID-19 shutdowns. It’s essential to read the policy exclusions and the fine print to ensure that the policy covers what you need.

In conclusion, adopting a pet or starting a home-based business means taking responsibility for the safety and well-being of your pets and clients. Knowing the liabilities and insurance coverage can assist in making informed decisions.

Always make sure to discuss the various coverages and get insurance from reputable providers that will cover the needs of you, your pets, and your business.

Impact of Home Renovations on

Insurance Coverage

Home renovations are an excellent way to improve your home’s value and functionality. Whether it’s a renovated bathroom, brand new kitchen, or a complete house redesign, home renovations can have a significant impact on your homeowners’ insurance coverage.

Here are some ways home renovations may affect your insurance coverage.

Insurance Company

One of the first things to consider when renovating your home is your insurance company. Make sure to inform your insurance provider about the renovation project to determine how it may impact your insurance coverage.

If the renovation increases your home’s value, you might need to adjust your coverage to maintain adequate insurance protection. Suppose the addition is considered a potential hazard.

In that case, your insurance provider may require you to obtain additional coverage, such as umbrella insurance, to ensure that the new risk is covered.

Renovated Bathroom or Kitchen

Upgrading your kitchen or bathroom can add value to your home, but it can also increase the potential for water damage. New fixtures or modifications to the plumbing can lead to leaks and other types of damage.

Make sure your contractor is licensed and insured to ensure you’re covered in case of damages. Additionally, consider purchasing water damage coverage to cover any repairs related to water leaks, whether from natural events or faulty plumbing fixtures.

Insurance Coverage

Home renovations can impact your insurance coverage in various ways, depending on their size and scope. Major structural changes, such as adding a new room or a wing to your home, for example, can dramatically increase your home’s value, which can affect your insurance costs.

Suppose the renovation project interrupts your living arrangements, such as temporarily relocating due to the scope of the renovation. In that case, your insurance policy may not offer coverage for damages caused during the construction process.

The impact of home renovations on your insurance coverage also depends on the type of renovation. For example, installing a swimming pool or hot tub may increase your insurance rates since they are potential safety hazards that increase the liability risk.

Buying an Older Home: Considerations for Insuring an Older Home

Older homes come with a unique set of challenges when it comes to insurance coverage, which is important to understand when considering purchasing one or looking to obtain homeowner’s insurance. Here are some of the considerations for insuring an older home.

Furnace and Hot Water Heater

Older furnaces and hot water heaters raise the risk of fire and carbon monoxide leaks. As such, insurance providers may require proof of routine maintenance or replacement of these systems to ensure the home is safe.


Many older homes come with original pipes that may be prone to leaks or burst. Replacing these pipes can be expensive, which is why insurance providers may want confirmation through a home inspection that the plumbing system is in adequate condition.


The exterior of an older home can also pose risks. Peeling paint or roofing in disrepair increases the risk of water damage, mold, and other costly repairs.

Some insurance providers may refuse to cover or exclude coverage for homes with these kinds of defects.

Home Age

The age of the home plays a crucial role in determining insurance coverage. Homes older than 100 years may require additional coverage to protect the home’s historical value, while homes of a certain age or older may incur higher insurance costs due to increased risk.

Insurance Costs

Insurance providers base their rates on several factors, including the home’s age, location, and type of construction. Older homes may have different construction materials than newer homes.

For instance, older homes may have hardwood floors, plaster walls and ceilings, or antique fixtures that need specialized coverage.

Mortgage Lenders

Mortgage lenders may require proof of insurance coverage for an older home before approving a mortgage loan. This is because the cost of replacing an older home is significantly different than building a new one, resulting in higher insurance premiums.

In conclusion, whether renovating a home or purchasing an older one, it is essential to consider how it will affect the insurance coverage. Renovations can increase the value of the home and add to its functionality, but they can also increase the potential for risks.

Older homes offer many charms, but they can also come with structural and antiquated issues that require specialized coverage. Being ahead of the concerns can result in being prepared and covered, ensuring peace of mind.

Liability and

Insurance Coverage for Outdoor Amenities

Adding a swimming pool or hot tub to your backyard can be a great way to enjoy the summer months, but it also comes with additional responsibilities and potential risks. Here’s what you need to know about the liability and insurance coverage for outdoor amenities.


Pool and hot tubs can be potential safety hazards, leading to injuries or death. Someone could slip and fall on the pool deck or become injured in the water.

As a pool or hot tub owner, you are responsible for ensuring the safety of your guests and preventing accidents from happening. Installing a fence or barrier is a great way to keep people out of the pool when unsupervised and prevent accidental injury.

Suppose someone gets hurt or injured in your pool or hot tub. In that case, you can potentially be held liable for any medical expenses, lost wages, and other damages.

In addition, if the accident leads to a lawsuit, you may need to defend yourself in court, which can be expensive.

Insurance Coverage

Most homeowners’ insurance policies provide some level of coverage for swimming pools or hot tubs. However, coverage limits and requirements vary by insurance company.

It is essential to speak to your agent or provider to ensure your policy provides adequate coverage. Additionally, homeowners with pools or hot tubs may want to consider umbrella insurance, which offers liability coverage beyond the limits of standard policies.

Umbrella policies can offer extra protection for you and your guests while using the pool or hot tub.

An umbrella policy can also help protect your assets if an incident leads to a lawsuit.

If you have substantial assets, such as a home or business, a successful lawsuit could put them at risk. Forgetting About the Roof: Importance of Roof Maintenance and Replacement

The roof provides the first line of defense against the elements for your home.

Yet, it is often one of the most overlooked parts of the house when it comes to maintenance and replacement. Here’s why roof maintenance and replacement are essential.

Water Leaks

A leaky roof is a common problem that homeowners encounter. Small leaks can go unnoticed for long periods, leading to costly damage and mold.

Additionally, water leaks can lead to drywall, insulation, and wood rot, leading to structural damage over time. Regular roof maintenance, such as inspecting the roof, cleaning gutters and downspouts, and replacing damaged or missing shingles, can help prevent water leaks.


Mold can grow in damp and dark places, such as attics or ceilings with water exposure.

Mold spores can lead to health concerns if inhaled, causing respiratory issues and other health problems.

Preventing water leaks and ensuring proper ventilation in the attic and roof can reduce the risk of mold growth.

Roof Replacement

A roof replacement is a substantial investment for any homeowner. However, replacing a worn-out or damaged roof can not only improve your home’s look but also prevent expensive repairs.

A new roof can provide improved insulation and ventilation, helping to reduce energy bills and improve your home’s energy efficiency. Additionally, a new roof can increase your home’s overall resale value.

Insurance Discounts

Maintaining and replacing your roof can also result in insurance discounts. Some insurance providers offer discounts for homeowners who proactively maintain their roofs, resulting in less potential damage and insurance claims.

In contrast, if you neglect your roof and don’t perform regular maintenance, insurance providers may deny a claim or increase premiums. It is essential to speak to your insurance agent to understand the benefits of maintaining a healthy roof to ensure adequate insurance coverage and potential discounts.

In conclusion, a pool, hot tub, and a house’s roof can offer unique benefits. However,

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